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Planning a MardiGrass is like constructing a labyrinth, a maze to wander thru with magic pockets created by the activists who attend the event and so the M.O.B. (MardiGrass Organizing Bunch) meetings are mostly concentrating on the timing of events and what events to do, who to put into what 'magic pocket' for how long, a myriad of details that (perhaps fortunately) is of little interest to the Greater web and I don't need to mention that we are building the extra toilets, getting the showground ready for the camping (hot water showers!), we have already booked all the accommodation available in town for the "High Profile" International Guests, some of whom might be Cheech and/or Chong, point being that we got most of the daylight hours of Sunday and Saturday locked in and it truly is shaping up as the best ever: for details. The Polite Force will be one of the 'new' things at this years MardiGrass (NBN TV NEWS ITEM about the POLITE FORCE) indeed, if you are thinking of attending this years MardiGrass and havent decided upon what you are going to wear, a pair of dark blue overalls from the nearest Op shop just might be the go! H*E*M*P*Embassy have bought a couple of hundred POLITE Caps (as seen on TV) so when you arrive in Nimbin, head 'straight' to the H*E*M*P*Party Bar aka POLITE FORCE HEAD QUARTERS. When decorating your POLITE FORCE uniform, be careful NOT TO ADD "BLUE AND WHITE SQUARES" to any part of the costume, we have made an official POLITE FORCE stencil and we have the paint, so basically, just bring the blue overalls. The POLITE FORCE are to be a pivotal part of the GLOBAL MARIJUANA MARCH on the Saturday and are also expected to carry the Big Joint in the Parade on the Sunday. See you at the MardiGrass MAY 2nd and 3rd..................