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This MardiGrass, all the buzz was about the legal HEMP crop to be planted in the spring all over N.S.W. and everyone seemed so much more optimistic that we were finally moving forward and well on the way to becoming accepted as an industry. Indeed, the one thing that really stood out was the total lack of hearing the words "John Howard". For years and years and years and years those two words got said every time someone wanted to 'blame' someone for the predicament we are all in, and thus this MardiGrass seemed to be more about fixing problems than about fixing the blame. Police? They came, they saw, yet they did non conquer the MardiGrass Spirit, arrests were made almost entirely from amongst the poly drug abusers, the official result was less than 100 arrests out of over well over 15,000 POTential arrests. Personally, I thought the Police did a sensational job in the absence of a John Howard, they copped all the abuse and blame from all those who have yet to understand the bigger picture. The police are not the cause of our problems, never have been, as they have frequently pointed out, it is the duty of the citizen to change the laws, not the police and in the many conversations at MardiGrass I had wif the police, I felt sure that as individuals they would all welcome the chance to vote YES to the relegalization of Cannabis. Having a visible police presence at MardiGrass had a noticeable effect on the amount of 'smoke' you could see in the streets most of the time and I think that this worked to the advantage of the activists, this MardiGrass was less about the glorification of the plant and the coolness of those who smoke it, this MardiGrass everyone was aware of the urgent need to change the law. anyway, the bottom line was that less that 1% of the MardiGrass bungled their way across the line of irresponsibility and that more than 99% passed the responsibility test enforced by the police! Which means that when all is said and done, 99% of the crowd seemed able to smoke cannabis during the Festival at some time or another and absolutely everyone was smiling by the time the parade danced its way thru town to peace park on Sunday. till next Max Stone. 2008 MardiGrass preparations......>> Here we are, making the final arrangements for another BiG JoinT H*E*M*P delegation to Canberra (via Sydney) on a MardiGrass promotion tour, the main point of which is to thank Mr Rudd for signing the Kyoto Protocols, to alert him and every other citizen that we meet along the way to the fact that, cannabis – the plant, MUST be relegalized on a grand scale if we are to have any hope of meeting the targets set to save the planet by the scientists, and as we are making our departure plans, finalizing all the "stops" which the Bus with the BiG Joint on the roof will make, alerting our vast network of global supporters to the upcoming campaign, preparing the press releases and raising the donations, printing posters and all the other myriad details required to mount a national campaign, when news filters through that a "local" police chief is still programmed to ERADICATE Cannabis from the Northern Rivers and crack down upon the internationally famous MardiGrass with a campaign that could seriously jeopardize Australia's ability to meet the Kyoto Commitments, thanks again Mr Rudd, anyway, someone is going to be very embarrassed over the coming weeks and I doubt that its gunna be any of us H*E*M*P activists who are trying to build up the seed stocks of THE best carbon fixing plant known to mankind..... Personally, I'm hoping that there is some break though eco-legislation about to blast thru all levels of parliament that will relegalize cannabis and that all the police who are allocated to the Mardi Grass Festival will be part of the celebration.... << REWIND << REWIND < < Not long after the words above were uploaded to this webpage, the situation in Nimbin changed dramatically on April Fools Day and then 8 days later the N.S.W Government announced...
Minister Macdonald said
a potentially lucrative industrial hemp industry was not far
off, following changes which will be introduced by the NSW
“Industrial hemp fibre produced here in NSW could pave the way for the establishment of a new viable industry that creates and sells textiles, cloth and building products made from locally grown industrial hemp,” Mr Macdonald said “Not only does hemp require less chemical application than some conventional crops, it has the ability to ‘lock up’ carbon in the production phase, thereby making it an environmentally friendly crop.” Minister Macdonald said the Government will consult with farming groups and industry during the development of the details of the licensing scheme. and then 4 days before MardiGrass..... Media Release 28 April 2008
Cops up the Ante on Nimbin Mardi Grass
Police today informed the organisers of the Nimbin Mardi Grass that they will be making an application to close the Nimbin Museum and the Hemp Bar for 72 hours over Mardi Grass.
"The police are using a piece of archaic legislation (Section 15C of the Restricted Premises Act 1943) to, in effect. close two of Nimbin's most significant tourist attractions during the busiest weekend of the year," said spokesperson for the Nimbin Mardi Grass Organising Group and Nimbin Museum, Michael Balderstone.
The application will go before a magistrate in the Lismore court on Friday morning.
Balderstone described the action as "antagonistic and provocative."
"The police keep assuring us they want a safe Mardi Grass," he said. "What's the closing of the Museum and the Hemp Bar during Mardi Grass got to do with safety?"
"If one wanted a safe weekend in Nimbin, one would close the pub," he said.
"But it's another day in Nimbin and another day of Drug War harassment by the Lismore Area Command," said Balderstone.
"The public money being wasted by the local police trying to suppress Australia's second most popular tourism destination is as stupid as it is appalling," he said.
"Recent media debate about trial-ing some kind of legalised cannabis supply has clearly shown the north coast community of NSW, if not all of Australia, is ready for it," he said.
And so, as we head into the final days before the MOST politically charged MardiGrass yet, all the data confirms that the up coming protestival will be the most ultramungous MardiGrass ever, all the data confirms that the police will be present in the same way that they attend major sporting or musical events, already, the hard core international Activists are arriving and you can be sure that there is an air of political intent to demonstrate the relegalization of Cannabis not just in NSW and Australia, but all all over earth, as Nimbin hosts it's 10th Global Marijuana March ........ THERE IS NO CHANCE OF RAIN AND THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO COME TO MARDIGRASS IF YOU WANT TO HELP CHANGE THE CANNABIS LAW. till next update.. Max Stone. NEWS FLASH ! BIG BONG MOBILE @ MardiGrass 2008
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